Female Fertility Test

Even Some Smart Women Don’t Check Their Fertility Wellness Until It’s Too Late.

Female Fertility Wellness Screenings That Give You Answers & Peace of Mind.

Those of us who tend to worry about our fertility treat our own wombs like a haunted house, a place we’ve heard horror stories about from other women and the media and so are fearful to look inside. Schedule a female fertility wellness screening.

But your fertility is a beautiful dream house. Inside is everything you can dare to wish for: your children, your family, the memories you will make together. But you have to look inside. Don’t be afraid. We are here to support you. Schedule a female fertility wellness screening.

Are you nervous about your ability to conceive?

More and more women are worrying about their fertility before actively trying to conceive.

This anxiety can negatively impact the process of getting pregnant. Remove the worry and stop guessing. Start with the answers you need so you can relax and enjoy the process of getting pregnant. Schedule a female fertility wellness screening.

Limit unnecessary stress

Inaccurate or incomplete fertility wellness results put strain on how many women feel about their chances of getting pregnant.

Uncertainty can cause crucial delays. There are enough stresses around starting a family; remove this one by starting with professional results. Schedule a female fertility screening.

egg freezing

Fertility screening is normal and common

You don’t need to be afraid of testing your fertility wellness.

Many causes of low female fertility have solutions that we can help you with. It is important to remember that fertility testing is a normal part of trying to conceive. It is also important to note that infertility is a common problem. If a couple is having difficulty getting pregnant, it is important for both partners to be tested, regardless of gender. Schedule a couples fertility test.

Your Future Family Depends On It.

Having accurate, professional, and comprehensive information about your fertility wellness is the first step in creating the family you want.

If you’re considering starting a family someday your fertility wellness results may just be the start of a fertility journey. Whatever the results are we will be there to help you understand how they can help you become a mother.

Are having trouble starting a family?

Knowledge is Power.

Knowledge is Choice.

Knowledge Puts Time on Your Side.

Your body contains the answers and knowledge you need to pursue the family you want.

Schedule a female fertility wellness screening

Tubal Reconstruction Surgery

Are you settling for ignorance of your body?

Your body holds amazing knowledge and information. We can help you access it with a fertility wellness screening.

Whether you have always known you want to be a mother or came to that knowledge later in life, the voice inside you knows you have love to share with a child and we want to help you honor that knowledge. The first step in a fertility journey is to Schedule a female fertility wellness screening.

Do you Know you want to be a mother someday? You should know your fertility wellness.

Wanting to be a mother is often one of those things we just know. Yet our wombs can be mysterious places we don’t know enough about. You know yourself. Now now your fertility wellness. Schedule a female fertility wellness screening.

Knowledge is Power. Knowledge is Choice. Knowledge puts time on your side

Dr. Amos E. Madanes has developed several revolutionary assisted-reproduction procedures and has come to be known as an innovator and leader.

Cost of Female Fertility Wellness Screening

When considering testing your fertility we know that cost and transparent pricing is an important factor. This is a special cash price paid at the time testing is performed. This is a cash price and insurance will not be billed for these services. Does not include the cost of an initial consultation. If you are ready to explore more comprehensive testing and discover your full fertility options, schedule your new patient consultation.

Fertility Wellness Guide

Coming Soon

No risk, no pressure, just information

  • Understand female fertility testing and wellness
  • Get the information you need
  • Understand how we can support you in your fertility journey
  • Have the opportunity to express your concerns, fears, and hopes

Complete Female Fertility Wellness Screening


Transvaginal Ultrasound

Anti Mullerian Hormone (AMH) blood test

Couples Fertility Test


Perfect for couples who want to start the fertility journey together.

Because male factors account for approximately 50% of all infertility cases, it is important to examine both partners for possible infertility concerns.

  • Tranvaginal Ultrasound
  • AMH Blood Test
  • Sperm Screening

Clearblue Fertility Monitor Test Sticks


Fertility Wellness Test with Dr. Amos E. Madanes

✅ Partner testing included

Nervous about getting the results of your fertility wellness screening?

We know that one of the most common reasons for women to put off a fertility wellness screen is nerves and fear about the results.
It’s common for a woman to be anxious about getting her fertility tested. Our primary advice? Don’t put it off.

Nervous about getting the results of your fertility wellness screening?

A woman may choose to undergo female fertility testing for various reasons, depending on her individual circumstances and reproductive goals. Here are some common reasons why a woman might opt for fertility testing:

A woman may undergo fertility testing when she and her partner are actively trying to conceive. This can help identify any potential issues that may affect fertility and allow for timely intervention or guidance.

If a woman has been trying to conceive for an extended period without success, she may choose to undergo fertility testing to investigate potential causes of infertility. This can help identify specific issues that may be hindering conception.

Fertility tends to decline with age, and some women may choose to assess their fertility status if they are planning to delay childbearing. Testing female fertility provides information about the ovarian reserve and help women make informed decisions about their reproductive timeline.

Women with irregular menstrual cycles may undergo fertility testing to understand the underlying causes of irregularities. Hormonal imbalances or other issues may affect fertility, and testing can help diagnose and address these concerns.

Women who experience recurrent pregnancy loss may undergo fertility testing to identify potential causes. Understanding the underlying factors can help healthcare providers develop appropriate strategies to manage or mitigate the risk of future losses.

Certain medical conditions or medical treatments, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or cancer treatments, can impact fertility. Women may choose to undergo fertility testing to assess the potential impact of these factors on their reproductive health.

Some women opt for fertility testing as part of a preconception health assessment to ensure that they are in optimal health for pregnancy. This may include assessing factors such as hormone levels, ovarian function, and overall reproductive health.