Do I need to take medication to get pregnant?
If you are trying to get pregnant for a while, your doctor may have prescribed various medications to help you realize your dreams. But you should know the side effects and precautions before undertaking a drug regiment. There are four categories of medications that are used for infertility. Fertility drugs that stimulate ovulation Birth control drugs […]
Do I have PID?
You might have Pelvic Inflammatory Disease or PID if you have really bad cramps or flu like symptoms during that time of the month. And you should know that PID may cause infertility. But you don’t always have these symptoms since PID can manifest acutely, chronically, or silently. If PID is acute, the symptoms may be […]
How can I afford fertility treatments?
You want to have a baby and you have fertility issues. You know Midwest Fertility Center can help with infertility and has a great treatment plan for your particular issue. But how can you afford to get in vitro fertilization or tubal ligation reversal on your budget? Luckily, there are financial options available at MFC. […]
What you should ask at your first appointment
You want to be pregnant and you heard some things about IVF. So you made an appointment at Midwest Fertility Center or another fertility center. But you are confused and apprehensive about your first visit. Relax and read the following advice about the questions you need answered by the fertility center. Dr Madanes and his […]