Don't let implantation hurdles stand in the way of your dream of parenthood

You've gone through IVF, created healthy embryos, and now comes the crucial step: implantation. Assisted Hatching could be the key to unlocking a successful pregnancy.

You've gone through IVF, created healthy embryos, and now comes the crucial step: implantation

Assisted Hatching Techniques

But what if your embryos are having difficulty hatching from their outer shell, hindering their ability to implant in the uterus? This can be incredibly frustrating and emotional. 

At Midwest Fertility Center we offer the latest techniques for every fertility challenge. 


To see if Assisted Hatching is right for you, schedule a consultation.

Tubal Reconstruction Surgery

At Midwest Fertility Center, we understand the emotional rollercoaster of infertility

Seizing the Moment, Creating Tomorrows

That's why we offer advanced techniques like Assisted Hatching to help your embryos implant successfully and increase your chances of pregnancy.


Schedule a consultation to learn about Assisted Hatching and your other fertility options.

Are you dreams of parenthood unfilled?

Inspire Your Parenthood Aspirations

Assisted Hatching is a minimally invasive procedure that creates a tiny opening in the embryo's outer shell. This can be beneficial for embryos with a thickened zona pellucida (the shell) which can make natural hatching difficult.


Dr. Amos E. Madanes is here to help. Schedule a consultation.

Your Future Family Depends on Working With The Best

The first ever pregnancy in the United States to result from a non-surgical intra-tubal insemination procedure was achieved by Dr. Amos E. Madanes in December 1989. The incredible results of his technique has been brining new hope to couples for the last three and a half decades.

Dr. Amos E. Madanes has developed several revolutionary assisted-reproduction procedures and has come to be known as an innovator and leader.

Schedule a consultation with our fertility specialists today to discuss your unique situation and explore if Assisted Hatching can help you achieve your family-building goals.

For decades Dr. Amos E. Madanes has helped hundreds of couples with fertility issues become parents with IVF.

At Midwest Fertility Center we know that you want to become a parent or grow your family. You have love to share with a child and in order to do that you need to conceive and have a successful pregnancy, one that ends with a new baby in your arms. The problem is that you’ve had difficulty getting pregnant or know you have complications which makes you feel hopeless. We believe that every women should be given the best chances of achieving a successful pregnancy. We understand that the IVF process can be scary and create fear around the costs involved which is we we work both emotionally and financially with each of our patience. Here’s how we do it together:

  1. Schedule Consultation to learn if you are a good candidate for Assisted Hatching and explore what alternative solutions may be available to you
  2. We will provide you world-class and award-winning care throughout your fertility journey
  3. Know that you’ve given your family the best chances at adding one more.

So Schedule an Assisted Hatching Consultation. And in the meantime you can stop flipping between hope and fear and instead start planning.

Assisted Hatching can address specific implantation challenges.

Our team of experienced embryologists carefully assesses each embryo to determine if Assisted Hatching could be beneficial for your specific case. We believe in personalized care and will guide you through every step of the process, offering support and clear communication

Assisted Hatching

Age-Related Decline in Egg Quality

As women age, the zona pellucida can become tougher, potentially hindering implantation. Assisted Hatching can help embryos overcome this barrier.

Assisted Hatching

Multiple Failed IVF Cycles

Assisted Hatching

Embryo Development Issues

Sometimes, embryos with slower development or slight abnormalities might benefit from Assisted Hatching to optimize their implantation potential.

What our patients are saying

Does it really work? Will it work for me?

Amy S.

I was nervous going but as soon as I got there the staff was kind and friendly and the doctor was very informative it made me feel like things were possible for me.

Denise M.

Doctor Amos E. Madanes is great. He listened to me and answers all of my questions. They are truly an awesome team. They are dedicated to making your dream a reality.

Melissa Z.

When I meet Dr. Amos E. Madanes, he was very, very caring. He listened to why I was here. You can see that he wants people’s dreams to come true, its not just a paycheck to him. He told me he will get me pregnant and this year my dream will finally come true because of him.

The IVF Procedure

After the controlled application of ovarian hyperstimulation, eggs are taken from a woman’s ovary with the aid of ultrasound while the patient is under IV sedation. Anywhere from one to more than 30 eggs may be retrieved depending on the responsiveness of the ovaries to the gonadotropins’ stimulation.

 A semen sample of the sperm to be used in the procedure is also collected from the male donor. The semen then undergoes a series of cell separation treatments in order to generate a clean, healthy sperm sample. Once the sperm and eggs have been prepared, they are mixed and incubated for approximately three days to facilitate proper fertilization. When the resulting embryos have developed sufficiently, they are transferred to the patient’s uterus. The transfer process is very simple, and is similar to a pelvic exam. After the transfer procedure, the patient must carefully follow the instructions of the fertility specialist. The patient may be instructed to take several days of bed rest. Ten to 12 days after the transfer, a pregnancy test is performed to confirm whether or not the treatment was successful.

If you have questions about any of the stages of IVF, our specialists in Chicago and Northwest Indiana will gladly provide as many answers as possible. Contact a Midwest Fertility Center near you to speak with a staff member.

The Success of IVF with Assisted Hatching

 The success of IVF depends upon a number of factors, such as the age of the patient, the quality of sperm and eggs, the health of the woman’s uterus, and the duration of infertility. Successful pregnancy following IVF can be determined through blood tests performed approximately 13 days following the procedure or by ultrasound after 30 to 40 days. Please contact our office for specific details on IVF success rates.

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