Grow Your Fertility Knowledge. Grow Your Family.
These short videos are provided to help fertility patients learn more about infertility, assisted reproduction, and in vitro fertilization (IVF).
While watching videos on fertility can’t replace the personalized medical advice from a consultation, it can offer valuable preparation for those considering or undergoing fertility treatments though increased knowledge, reducing anxiety and stress, and make you feel more confident in your decision making. Let us know when you’re ready to book a consultation and have a more personal and personalized exchange of information. You can also give us a call at 1-800-244-0212.

Have You Had Difficulty Getting Pregnant?
One of the most challenging steps in the treatment of infertility is deciding when to seek help. Many people figure that pregnancy will happen on it’s own at some point or another and ultimately, try to wait it out. Nature, however, does not always take the most direct course and time can be a valuable resource.
Treat Infertility by Non-Invasive Means First, Progress to Other Treatment Options Later.
Midwest Fertility Center always starts with the least invasive and easiest treatment. This typically involves the use of fertility pills, which can be combined with intrauterine insemination or directly introducing a sperm sample into the uterus.
Irregular Ovulation, as a Result of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Can Cause Difficulty Getting Pregnant
Polycystic Ovaries, and the related problem of not ovulating, is one of the common causes of infertility.
The most frequently seen symptom is irregular periods. Many of the women who experience this characteristically have a heavier body structure than most, especially in the midsection. Some women also see increased hair growth, too. At the same time, we occasionally treat women with polycystic ovaries who display none of these symptoms.
Fertility Treatments for Endometriosis
The only way to accurately diagnose the existence of Endometriosis is by performing a laparoscopy which is an outpatient surgical procedure; introducing a telescope under the navel, under the umbilicus and into the pelvis.
Fertility Treatments for Uterine Fibroids
Uterine fibroids need to be be considered when establishing fertility treatments. When a woman has a fibroid situated inside the uterine cavity, it can interfere with implantation and work almost like an intra uterine device, preventing pregnancy and causing a host of complications.
How Midwest Fertility Center evaluates and treats male infertility.
Male infertility diagnosis starts with semen analysis and may involve blood tests, physical exams, imaging, and genetic testing. Treatment depends on the cause and can include lifestyle changes, medication, surgery, assisted reproductive technologies like IUI or IVF, and sperm retrieval techniques