Tag: infertility

  • How old is too old to get pregnant?

    As women age, there is an increased incidence of gynecological problems. These may include Endometriosis, fibroids, and pelvic infections. All of them may reduce fertility; however the natural process of ageing of the eggs is thought to be the major cause of reduced fertility. Females are born with a reservoir…

  • Should I lose weight to get pregnant?

    Should I lose weight to get pregnant?

    You might be wondering why you can’t get pregnant. You just had IVF, but you are not pregnant. You don’t want to admit it but you may be a little overweight. There is evidence that obesity lowers the success rates of in vitro fertilization. In addition, some studies show a…

  • Smoking contributes to infertility!

    Smoking contributes to infertility!

    You probably heard it before but it is absolutely true! The best available scientific data indicates that cigarette smoking strongly contributes to infertility. And it’s not just women that need to stop smoking, smoking also affects men’s fertility adversely. Cigarette smoking has a negative impact on the ability to become…

  • How a blog can help with the stress of infertility

    How a blog can help with the stress of infertility

    We understand. At Midwest Fertility Center, we have been helping people achieve the dream of having a family of their own since 1984. It can seem daunting and the emotions can be overwhelming when considering IVF. You can feel all alone in your struggle. But you are not alone and…

  • Having difficulty getting pregnant?

    Having difficulty getting pregnant?

    The cause of infertility may be difficult to determine but may include inadequate levels of certain hormones in both men and women, and trouble with ovulation in women. The main symptom is an inability to get pregnant. In many cases, there are no additional symptoms. At Midwest Fertility Center, we…