Is IVF successful?

Midwest Fertility Center- doctor, pregnant woman

You pay a lot of money to get pregnant with IVF but you may be wondering how successful is IVF in getting you pregnant. At Midwest Fertility Center, Dr Amos Madanes has been successfully getting women pregnant with IVF since 1984. IVF success rates are available online at the website for the Center for Disease Control (CDC) […]

Do I have POI (primary ovarian insufficiency)?

Midwest Fertility Center- distressed woman

Do you ovulate irregularly? Are you having difficulty getting pregnant? Are you having the same symptoms as your mother in menopause but are too young to be menopausal? Then it’s possible you have primary ovarian insufficiency (POI). Primary ovarian insufficiency is a potential cause of female infertility. POI is also known as premature ovarian failure. Women […]

Do I need to take medication to get pregnant?

Midwest Fertility Center- woman taking med

If you are trying to get pregnant for a while, your doctor may have prescribed various medications to help you realize your dreams. But you should know the side effects and precautions before undertaking a drug regiment. There are four categories of medications that are used for infertility. Fertility drugs that stimulate ovulation Birth control drugs […]

Does IVF have side effects?

Midwest Fertility Center- distressed woman

You are considering IVF for your infertility but you have concerns about possible side effects. For the most part, you should return to normal the next day after an IVF procedure but you should be aware of potential side effects of getting IVF. If you are aware ahead of time you can minimize any risks […]

What are the steps of IVF?

Midwest Fertility Center- woman injecting ivf

Now that you have decided to get IVF as a way of getting pregnant, you might have a lot of questions and concerns. One of those questions might be what to expect. The following article tells you the four steps or phases of assisted reproduction techniques like IVF. The field of assisted reproduction comprises a […]

Which is better IVF or Tubal Ligation Reversal?

Midwest Fertility Center-couple

If you had a Tubal Ligation, you have two options to achieve pregnancy: Tubal Ligation Reversal and In-Vitro Fertilization. For most patients who underwent Tubal Ligation, our technique of Laparoscopic Tubal Ligation Reversal (laparoscopic tubal anastomosis) may be less expensive and more effective than In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF), and should be the first choice for them. One of […]

Should I get IVF to get pregnant?

Midwest Fertility Center- pregnant woman

You’ve heard about In Vitro Fertilization and you know that IVF is among the most frequent assisted reproduction procedures that we offer at Midwest Fertility Center. But you might not know what IVF entails and just how successful the procedure can be for an infertile couple. Let us explain IVF to you so you can be […]

How old is too old to get pregnant?

As women age, there is an increased incidence of gynecological problems. These may include Endometriosis, fibroids, and pelvic infections. All of them may reduce fertility; however the natural process of ageing of the eggs is thought to be the major cause of reduced fertility. Females are born with a reservoir of about 400,000 eggs in […]

How a blog can help with the stress of infertility

Midwest Fertility Center- pregnant women, yoga

We understand. At Midwest Fertility Center, we have been helping people achieve the dream of having a family of their own since 1984. It can seem daunting and the emotions can be overwhelming when considering IVF. You can feel all alone in your struggle. But you are not alone and you don’t need to feel […]

Having difficulty getting pregnant?

Midwest Fertility Center- pregnant woman, yoga

The cause of infertility may be difficult to determine but may include inadequate levels of certain hormones in both men and women, and trouble with ovulation in women. The main symptom is an inability to get pregnant. In many cases, there are no additional symptoms. At Midwest Fertility Center, we offer many treatments to significantly […]